Reaper and OSX
After using Ableton ITB for a while, I have decided to setup a mini rack for hw fun.
Ableton Live 8 can't do sysex
Live is a great tool, but does not have any capacity for sysex. Can't record, can't transmit. Since most of my rack is older rack gear that is almost all sysex based, Live is out. Which breaks my brain to no end--I LOVE LIVE! It is a great creative tool.
Cubase is the consensus best of breed for midi hw
I would like to use Cubase, but I have to wait a bit for going that route. I'm not really feeling Logic--I've used Logic for a while and it has its issues w/sysex too. Will it be supported by Apple? I have no idea--seems like it has been ages since it's gotten an update.
I haven't used Digital Performer since v5. I like DP but I also had my issues with DP, right mouse clicks and other stuff.
So...CockOs Reaper. Originally a windows only release, now on a Mac. Can I dig it?
Preparing for Reaper
Before I dive into reaper--need to make sure my system is up to snuff. And that means, showing my Library--open up ye olde Terminal and type...
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
that's it! Now I'm ready for Reaper (I have a fully authorized license btw). I download, install and authorize.